My Process and Policies

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(Santa Monica, California)


This page contains details of my photography process

If you like what you have read and seen so far, please contact me by e-mail ( I am delighted to discuss any concept you may have for a session and for the kinds of photos you are after. I am always open to new ideas. I will work with you to decide where to shoot, what you should bring, etc.

I distinguish between three types of sessions, which I call a "child/pair" session (involving one or two siblings of similar ages), a "group" session (involving 3-4 siblings or friends or 2 siblings or friends whose ages are more than 5 years apart), and a "party" session (involving more than 4 children or an event lasting longer than 2 hours). These distinctions reflect the different types of shooting and image processing required for each of these situations—and consequently my pricing. (Parents, grandparents, or other adult relatives or friends of the family may be included in any session at no extra charge, with the understanding that they will be secondary subjects.)

A typical child/pair session lasts one to one-and-a-half hours, whereas a group session may last up to two hours. Few subjects of any age remain fresh for much longer than that. Party sessions may last longer, involving up to 3 hours of shooting (no one is fresh by the end of a party); anything longer than that requires special arrangements. A session often ends of its own accord, due to loss of light, change of mood (tantrums, fatigue, etc.), or my perception that we have obtained as many good photos as we are likely to get.

The best time of day for a shooting session is mid-to-late afternoon (the exact time depends on the season), when the low sun angle produces the most flattering, warm light. Other times (including indoor, evening options) can be arranged if necessary.

For details of my pricing and incentives, click here.

My Photography Home Page  |  Children  |  Weddings  |  Portraits  |  Portfolio

(Santa Monica, California)
